`git init`
`git clone url`
git config –global color.ui true
git config –global push.default current
git config –global core.editor vim
git config –global user.name „John Doe”
git config –global user.email foo@citrix.com
git config –global diff.tool meld
Updating Current Branch
**Standard Flow**
# See all commits
git log
# Pretty commit view, you can customize it as much as you want.
# Just google it 🙂
git log –pretty=format:”%h %s” –graph
# See what you worked on in the past week
git log –author=’Alex’ –after={1.week.ago} –pretty=oneline –abbrev-commit
# See only changes made on this branch (assuming it was branched form master branch)
git log –no-merges master..
# See status of your current git branch.
# Often will have advice on command that you need to run
git status
# Short view of status. Helpful for seeing things at a glance
git status -s
# Add modified file to be commited(aka stage the file)
git add filename
# Add all modified files to be commited(aka stage all files)
git add .
# Add only text files, etc.
git add '*.txt’
# Tell git not to track file anymore
git rm filename
# Record changes to git. Default editor will open for a commit message.
# (Visible via git log)
# Once files are commited, they are history.
git commit
# A short hand for commiting files and writing a commit message via one command
git commit -m 'Some commit message’
# Changing the history 🙂 If you want to change your previous commit,
# you can, if you haven’t pushed it yet to a remote repo
# Simply make new changes, add them via git add, and run the following command.
# Past commit will be ammended.
git commit –amend