Przejdź do treści

Komendy githuba

  • przez

`git init`


`git clone url`



git config –global color.ui true

git config –global push.default current

git config –global core.editor vim

git config –global „John Doe”

git config –global

git config –global diff.tool meld

Updating Current Branch

**Standard Flow**


# See all commits

git log

# Pretty commit view, you can customize it as much as you want.

# Just google it 🙂

git log –pretty=format:”%h %s” –graph

# See what you worked on in the past week

git log –author=’Alex’ –after={1.week.ago} –pretty=oneline –abbrev-commit

# See only changes made on this branch (assuming it was branched form master branch)

git log –no-merges master..

# See status of your current git branch.

# Often will have advice on command that you need to run

git status

# Short view of status. Helpful for seeing things at a glance

git status -s

# Add modified file to be commited(aka stage the file)

git add filename

# Add all modified files to be commited(aka stage all files)

git add .

# Add only text files, etc.

git add '*.txt’

# Tell git not to track file anymore

git rm filename

# Record changes to git. Default editor will open for a commit message.

# (Visible via git log)

# Once files are commited, they are history.

git commit

# A short hand for commiting files and writing a commit message via one command

git commit -m 'Some commit message’

# Changing the history 🙂 If you want to change your previous commit,

# you can, if you haven’t pushed it yet to a remote repo

# Simply make new changes, add them via git add, and run the following command.

# Past commit will be ammended.

git commit –amend


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